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Into the Unseen:

Shamanic Skills Apprenticeship Group

Fall 2024 



The essence of shamanism is working with helping spirits from an animistic perspective, where humans are not necessarily the focus of the work.


This group will cover basic shamanic skills from a deeply animistic perspective. 


This program is for people who wish to learn or improve their shamanic skills,  deepening the relationship with their own spirit help. Participants will learn skills that help manage the psychic openness that comes with working with spirits, learn how to work more deeply with their own spirits as well as spirits that are available to all of us such as land spirits, spirits of the directions, etc.


Participants will be creating power objects with their spirit guides. These will be worked with in class.


Class group meetings will be twice a month, for 2 – 3 hours twice a month from 7:00 - 9:30/10:00 pm. This is six hours per month in-class time. Homework journeys will be given to be done on your own time.


Tuition is on a sliding scale fee of $125 - $200/month and includes email access to me and additional chats on Zoom. For local people, I may be able to offer local walks and hang out time.


Meeting day TBD


This program is by application only.  You can find the application here:


Foundation Skills

  • Creating Sacred Space

  • Grounding

  • Discernment

  • Clearing (energetic clearing, spiritual bathing, light space clearing)

  • Protection

  • Connecting to Nature


Basic Skills/Knowledge

  • Shamanic Tools

  • Journeying to the Three Realms/Otherworld

  • Meeting and working with Spirit Guides

  • Working with your Spirit Guides for personal healing

  • Meeting and working with Ancestors, both blood and spiritual

  • Divination

  • Working with Signs in this world

  • Working with the Directions

  • Working with the Elements

  • Formulating journey questions


Into the Unseen World: Basic Shamanic Skills Apprenticeship Program 2024

Class 1

Beginnings & Basics

  • What is Shamanism, Animism

  • Setting sacred space

  • Grounding

  • Embodiment


Class 2

Protection and Clearing

  • Protection

  • Space clearing methods

  • Personal clearing methods


Class 3


  • A bit of cosmology

  • The Ancestral Realm

  • Working with Ancestors

  • Altars


Class 4

Ethics, Discernment, Lower World Journeys

  • Ethics of a shamanic practice

  • How to discern spirits

  • Starting journeying to the lower worlds


Class 5

Lower & Upper World Journeys

  • Personal Healing work in the lower world

  • Upper World Journeys


Class 6

Personal Power and Beyond


Class 7

Connecting into the Wider World

  • Journeying to the four directions


Class 8

Middle World Spirits


Class 9

Working with the Elements


Class 10

Working more intensely with the Spirits

  • Empowering objects

  • Ritual journeys

  • Divination journeys for yourself and others


 Class 11

Basic Psychopomp

  • Helping unsettled human spirits move on from this world


Class 12

The Fair Folk

  • I work a ton with the Fae. Rules on how to work with them relatively safely. Who and what you may meet in the Unseen Realms.


Optional Class, date TBD: Vagaries of Being a Practitioner

Things to consider and think about if you’re interested in being a practitioner.

© 2021 by Deb Fate-Mental.  All images copyright Deb Fate-Mental. Proudly created with 

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